This is the Sith Har Blaster from Klingon Honor Guard, the upcoming game by Microprose Software. This is a sneak peak at one of the weapons from the game. To install this patch simply unzip the archive into your Unreal directory ( make sure the 'use folder names' option is checked off!). If that just confuses you there are 3 files and here is where they belong: \Unreal\Sounds - KlingonSFX01.uax \Unreal\Textures - WeaponFX01.utx \Unreal\System - Klingons.u In game type "summon klingons.sithhar" and the weapon will apear in front of you. This version uses Unreal Rifle ammo since there isn't any Klingon Ammo on the Unreal maps. The primary fire uses up 1 ammo and does 33 points of damage. The alternate fire uses up 8 ammo and does 500 points of damage - in most cases an instant gib. You can only carry a maximum of 50 rifle ammo so you should use the alternate fire sparingly. We hope that you like the Sith Har as much as we do. We see this as an opportunity to get player feedback as we begin fine tuning the game for release. Please send feedback to Have fun! The MPS Klingons Team